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Genoengineering: Such drastic climate therapy could make things worse

James Lovelock: "Better, perhaps, to let the earth look after itself than try to regulate its system through mirrors, clouds and artificial trees"

Category: Climate Change


Bloodhound supersonic car: Big Endians versus Little Endians

"Bloodhound SSC, the British project to build the world's first car capable of speeds in excess of 1,000mph, faces a tough decision." A good article on physics principles and how they interact with engineering and safety

Category: Transport


Proliferation and disarmament

"Are we on the slow road to abolition of nuclear weapons or on the brink of a new wave of proliferation?"

Category: Weapons


UN plans 'shock therapy' for world leaders on environment

"Pared-down summit will force heads of rich states to listen to those of third world in hope of kickstarting radical action"

Category: Climate Change


Climate deal in peril, says Brown

"The climate deal planned for Copenhagen in 10 weeks' time is in grave danger of failure, the prime minister has said."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 976 to 980 out of 2977